Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Living Faith

Living Faith
Ashley Jones
(age 17)

    Meredith (Merry)Tilden Jones was born on August 24, 1942. He was the youngest of five children, including a twin brother. He grew up in a Christian home in a rural area of Maine. Grampa was a faithful member of Bible Baptist Church of Wiscasset for many years. He took great joy in teaching Sunday School and helping wherever needed. He worked at Bath Iron Works for around thirty years until he retired to play golf and spend time with his family. He was always proud of his four children and growing number of grandchildren.

     The love of God radiated from the life of my Grandpa. Whether he was playing with his grandchildren, golfing, or greeting people at church, he always had a smile on his face. Hard times plagued his body physically, yet he never once wavered in his faith. Cancer brought a hard blow to him, but his God always remained bigger than the circumstances in his life. Even though he couldn't play as much golf as he would have liked or do as much as he could before, he never let that dampen his spirits.

     Until the day of his death he remained a faithful soldier of the Lord. The wisdom that he shared impacted the lives of many people. His love will remain ingrained for a lifetime in the hearts of those he touched. Right now he is enjoying his eternal reward. He will never be forgotten.

“Grampa Jones” 1942-2014

(Assignment for Lesson #19 - Biography)

If you are between the ages of 12-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

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