Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Little Blue Butterfly Fish

The Little Blue Butterfly Fish

Alana Blake 
(age 14)

“What a wonderful day to be alive in the coral reef! No one has tried to eat me, and it’s light out,” Blue Fish says, swimming around the reef calmly.

 “Ooh, what’s that shiny thing?” Blue Fish asks, with a glow in his eyes. He swims closer to it. “No, I shouldn't! It could be a trap, but what if it’s not?” Blue Fish stops, looks around cautiously, then back at the shiny piece of metal on the seafloor. 

Two seconds later, “Naw, no one would do that,” Blue Fish says, swimming right into a net that is in front of the shiny piece of metal. “Nooo! Please let me go, you thing! I promise I won’t try to take the shiny again, please!” Blue Fish says, struggling to get loose from the net, but it only gets tighter around him. 

“Ahhh, I can’t breathe! Where did the water go?” Blue Fish yells, being pulled out of the net. He is put in a really dark box with sea water in it. “What in the Barnacles is going on? And how is it night already?” 

A few hours later, Blue Fish feels a sound jolt, then he hears a bunch of weird noise as the water clams down. Blue Fish looks up to see a bright light, and then something big starts coming closer.  Blue Fish dashes around the small box, but it’s no use. The thing gets him! 

“This is it! I am going to die! There’s no doubt about it!” Blue Fish yells. 

Blue Fish is dropped into a different tank of water. “What? Why am I not dead?” Blue Fish swims around the new tank. He swims towards a reef, where there were a lot of other fish. “Hey, maybe there is food over there,” Blue fish says. As he gets closer, he sees one of the little fish, that wasn’t moving, get scooped up by a little shark. “Never mind,” Blue Fish says, swimming backwards as fast as he can. But then he runs into something hard, and immediately freezes in place. Nothing happens though. Blue Fish moved a little, then froze again. Again nothing happens, so Blue Fish turns around to see weird figures, that were a little bit blurry, staring at him. “What is this thing in front of me? I can not see it, but I can feel it, and why are those things staring at me?”

The water vibrates as something taps the clear thing that you can feel but not see. “WhAT iS GoINg oN? AhHh!” Blue Fish yells. Suddenly being scooped up again, but this time in a clear cylinder. Weird shapes zip by in all different colors, and sizes. “Places, let me go where you found me. I promise to never try to  take anyone's shiny thing again, just let me go!” Blue Fish baggies. 

Blue Fish is dumped into another tank but this one is different. The water was wormer, there were wired shape rocks, and more wall it looked liked. Blue Fish looks around, and all of the other fish look just like him. “Hmm, this is better, I don’t even need to find something shiny to look at myself now” Blue Fish says.   

Written for Lesson 17 at Polliwog Pages (Point of View)

If you are between the ages of 13 -18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
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